The secret comes to light: a tea that things and grows hair

The secret comes to light: a tea that things and grows hair

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This powerful infusion is on everyone's lips, here we explain its preparation and why it is so effective

One of Brazil's most appreciated stylists recently revealed a beauty secret for hair. A true celebrity in his country, Marco Antonio de Biaggi surprised with the recipe for a tea that strengthens hair, leaves it softer, brighter and accelerates its growth.

But the benefits of this infusion do not end there, the tea also promotes weight and height loss. It is an infusion that thins, grows hair and is super easy to prepare. Go ahead and experience positive results on your figure and hair with the following recipe.

Tea recipe that things and grows hair
Not only is it effective and easy, but it also tastes good and its benefits go beyond making you thin and your hair grows faster.


Carrot: 1;
Lemon: ½;
Apple: 1;
Water: 1 liter.
Preparation method

The first thing to do is scratch the carrot, chop the apple (zest and seedless) and cut the lemon half into slices. Add everything in a container and add a liter of boiling water. Wait until it is warm and strain it, so that it remains only with the liquid. Drink this tea throughout the day and leave nothing for the next day otherwise it will not take effect. Repeat the process in one month.

Reasons that make this recipe powerful
This infusion combines the properties of its ingredients to achieve 3 objectives: detoxify the body, supply certain vitamins and facilitate digestive processes. When together these ingredients cause you to lose weight, strengthen your hair and nails. Let's see why.

Eliminate toxins
Between eating habits, air and water pollution we are continuously exposed to all kinds of toxins. These elements accumulate in the body and affect metabolism. The process that is closely linked to the control of body weight and the growth of hair and nails.

The apple has considerable amounts of soluble and insoluble fibers, which help "push" toxins out of the body using the gastrointestinal tract. For its part, lemon is rich in flavonoids, a substance that contributes to the eradication of toxins in the body.

Provides specific vitamins
The combination of carrot, apple, and lemon provides a large number of vitamins, mainly A, C and B vitamins, which are directly related to hair health. It also provides iron and other minerals that fulfill the same function.

Vitamin A promotes hair growth and elasticity, in addition to reducing abdominal fat. Vitamin C and B-complex make hair follicles grow thick and strong, giving hair shine and vigor. Vitamin C also restores damaged hair and hairpins or split ends. It is a true hair treatment.

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Supports digestive processes
The 3 ingredients of the infusion promote the proper functioning of the digestive system. With its low caloric intake, its fiber and it's content of vitamins A and C, the carrot helps burn fat whenever its consumption is accompanied by physical activity.

Lemon lowers cholesterol and its high concentration of pectin reduces the feeling of hunger. The same thing happens with the apple, whose fiber makes it take longer to digest and lengthens the feeling of satiety.

Now that you know what the properties of these vegetables are that will make you lose weight and grow your hair faster, we encourage you to try this tea and tell us about your experience. Leave us a comment and let us know how your infusion fared.

The secret comes to light: a tea that things and grows hair The secret comes to light: a tea that things and grows hair Reviewed by Supper Rose on March 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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