The 4 best juices to lose weight naturally

The 4 best juices to lose weight naturally

Discover some recipes for juices that help tone and burn fat
Losing a few kilos is a difficult task for many people as it requires respecting a balanced diet perfectly and, if possible, adding more physical activity to the routine. Anyway, there are juices to lose weight that help in this task.

Juices to lose weight naturally
It depends on what you want to do, there is the juice for everything. Some work to tone the abdomen, others to burn fat faster and even exist to control anxiety and eat less. The best juices for weight loss are as follows.

Melon juice for weight loss

This melon juice helps you lose weight because it encourages the removal of retained fluids in the body, which, many times, can cause swelling and show a few extra pounds on the scale.

In addition, this drink is good for eliminating toxins in the body and controlling the acidity of the stomach. Prepare it at home is very simple. All you have to do is follow the next recipe.


Chopped melon: to taste;
Strawberries: 1 cup;
Lettuce: 4 leaves;
Water: 1 glass
Preparation Mode:

1. Put all the ingredients in a blender until they mix well.

2. Try the juice and if it is too thick, add a little more water and beat again.

With these amounts should reach for 2 glasses.

Juice to burn fat

If the intention is to lose weight while trying to maintain the same amount of muscles by exercising regularly, a good diet and drinking this juice every day should go well.

To prepare it in a completely natural way, all you need is to get these ingredients, which are very easy to access.


Cranberries: 1 cup;
Cold green tea: 1 cup;
Banana: ½ unit;
Pineapple: 5 cubes;
Oat flakes: ¼ cup;
Spinach: ¼ cup;
Skim yogurt: ½ cup.
Preparation Mode:

1. Introduce the ingredients into a blender and interview them well until a homogeneous liquid remains.

2. Place the juice to lose weight inside the refrigerator for a few minutes to make it cool.

To make it work, you must drink it three times a day.

Juice to tone the abdomen

One of the problems when it comes to losing weight is knowing how to make the stomach flat. With this juice, it is easier to achieve because it helps eliminate the toxins that swell.

Anyway, before you start drinking this juice on a regular basis, remember that it alone is of no use. You should always accompany these concoctions with a balanced diet and some physical activity. To prepare it, you only need 2 things.


Aloe Vera: 5 cm .;
Lemon: ½ unit.
Preparation Mode:

1. Put in the blender until there is a kind of punch the ½ lemon without peel and the piece of aloe vera.

Drink this juice every morning 1 hour before breakfast.

So that you do not lose your properties and act in the best way, it is best to consume a new one every morning. In this way, it will be ingested in the freshest possible way.

In order to recover the energy used in physical activity, you can also prepare some natural juices.

Juice to control anxiety

It usually happens that when you start a diet, you only think about all the things that you cannot eat. This craving can end up in a binge that throws away all the effort of several days or even weeks.

To control gluttony during a diet, there is a juice based on different fruits.


Apple: 1 unit;
Strawberries: 5 units;
Oatmeal: 2 tablespoons;
Almonds: 1 handful;
Cold chamomile tea: 1 glass;
Mint leaves: to taste.
Preparation Mode:

1. Wash the apple and strawberries well. Peel and remove the seeds and the tail.

2. Enter all ingredients into a blender and mix until a uniform juice remains.

You can drink this juice whenever you want, especially if you get anxiety attacks for something sweet. In this way, you will avoid breaking the diet that costs so much sacrifice.

Care to be taken into account

Although the juices to lose weight have very good effects on the body, when diets are made, you should always be aware of some things so that the regime is not harmful to health due to allergies or levels of glucose.

Do not base the diet on the juice
Care must always be taken to drink juices to lose weight as a supplement to the diet since a pure regimen should not be made and, exclusively, based on these drinks. Acting like this, many nutrients would be lost, which would cause a lot of weakening.

The best, always, is to follow a balanced regime and start doing some exercise to lose those extra kilos that bother and gain some muscle. Juices are only helped.

Beware of liquid calories
A common mistake in many people is to forget that natural fruit juices also have calories and end up drinking them in excess. This causes them not to lose the weight they wanted or even gain a few kilos.

In addition, you always have to maintain an adequate level of protein intake, as it is the main food of the muscles and, as they grow, the easier you will lose weight by the calories that the body will demand to maintain them.

High sugar levels
One of the risks of drinking many fruit juices a day is that sugar levels can be increased so that it ends up affecting health. Therefore, we must try not to add more to sweeten them and control the amounts taken per day.

Final tip:
Fruit juices can be very good to help you lose weight, but it should always be in the middle of a diet since alone will not be of great help. Try to visit a specialist to create the best regimen for you, since this article is merely informative and in no case replaces a medical consultation of a professional.

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The 4 best juices to lose weight naturally The 4 best juices to lose weight naturally Reviewed by Supper Rose on March 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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