How can you lose weight in menopause?

How can you lose weight in menopause?

Applying small changes in lifestyle is enough to keep the weight under control
It is believed that losing weight in menopause is very complicated because once the body stops producing certain hormones the body weight goes off. However, changing some aspects of the lifestyle, such as carrying out aerobic exercise and modifying the diet at some points may be sufficient to maintain the line or even lose those kilos that were added.

6 Tips to lose weight in menopause
Due to the hormonal changes produced by the climacteric, there is a gradual increase in weight. However, losing weight in menopause is possible if a series of measures are followed.

Mainly, weight gain is caused by the reduction of estrogen segregation, that is, hormones that help metabolize fat and burn calories. Getting fat carries some health risks such as osteoporosis, diabetes or cardiovascular disease, to name a few.

Given that, it is advisable to try not to gain kilos or even lose some to take care of well-being. Some useful tips to achieve this are exposed to follow.


Daily physical activity is one of the great allies to lose weight in menopause. In addition to helping control weight, it greatly improves overall health and prevents various diseases.

You should choose an exercise and perform it on a regular basis. The most recommended among specialists are usually walking, running, swimming or cycling. This sport can be completed with weightlifting, yoga, tai chi or with the use of elastic bands to tone the body and raise muscle mass.

Change eating habits

What is consumed is as important as the way to do it. It is preferable to eat 5 times a day in small quantities than to cram into one meal. It is also better to eat more food at breakfast and lunch and reduce them as the snack and dinner approaches.
On the other hand, you have to drink between 1 liter and ½ and 2 of water per day.

As for the ways of cooking, it is better to prepare steamed, grilled or baked food.

Follow a healthy diet

On the other hand, diet is essential to losing weight in menopause. For a woman of the normal size it is best to consume 1500 calories daily. This figure may be higher in the case of taller or larger people.

As for food, the intake of both salt and sugar, as well as fats, chips, and batters, must be reduced.

In contrast, you should eat more complex vegetables and carbohydrates a week. Some examples are bread, rice and/or whole wheat pasta. It is also suggested to take at least 2 pieces of fruit per day. It is also good to eat 4 servings a week of white meats such as chicken, turkey or fish and, if possible, lean.

Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol is a substance that consumed in small amounts can have beneficial effects on health. However, abusing your intake can be counterproductive, especially when looking to lose weight. Alcoholic beverages provide empty calories to the body, that is, those that only get fat and then cost much to burn.

Recommended foods during menopause
As already mentioned, following a balanced and balanced diet is the key to not gaining weight in menopause. But there are also some foods in particular that can help more than others to this task.

Dairy products

Skimmed and calcium-enriched dairy products should be an indispensable ingredient in menopause. It is recommended to consume approximately 1,500 mg. diaries to help strengthen bones.

Vegetables rich in choline

Choline is a nutrient that helps reduce cholesterol and excess fat in the liver. The vegetables that contain it the most are: dandelion, potatoes, onions, eggplants, and peppers.

Healthy fats

These types of fats improve the hormonal system and help speed up the metabolism. The most recommended are olive oil and nuts.

Diuretic food

Fluid retention can increase up to 1 kilo and ½ body weight. That is why it is preferable to consume diuretic foods to help filter them. Examples are pineapple, asparagus, watermelon or cucumber. There are also several infusions that help with this work.


They are rich in fatty acids, including omega 3. It helps control bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. In addition, its intake decreases the risks of suffering from cardiovascular diseases and circulation problems. The best known are sardines, tuna, salmon, trout, bonito, mackerel, anchovy or anchovy.


You have to eat legumes at least 4 times a week because they are rich in vitamin B and choline.

Final tip
Before making any changes to your diet, it is best to visit a nutritionist or a doctor who can guide you about your specific needs. Always keep in mind that this article is merely informative. Therefore, it does not replace the opinion of a professional.

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How can you lose weight in menopause? How can you lose weight in menopause? Reviewed by Supper Rose on March 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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